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Saturday, July 10, 2021

7 Ways to Relieve Back Pain

Back pain is a prevalent issue among many people. Knowing that others are going through the same thing won't help you relax, but it does imply that there are a lot of tried-and-true pain-relieving techniques out there.

Back pain can be caused by a variety of factors. Even mental illnesses like sadness and anxiety can cause physical pain in some people. Because there are so many different reasons of back pain, we'll just mention the most prevalent ones here. If you feel you're in pain due to something else, we strongly advise you to see your doctor and get properly diagnosed.

Sleep Better

When you have back pain, sleeping can be hard. It can be a vicious cycle because when you don't get enough sleep, your back pain may feel worse. A poor sleep position can also aggravate back pain. Try lying on your side. Place a pillow between your knees to keep your spine in a neutral position and relieve strain on your back. If you need to sleep on your back, slide a pillow under your knees. Be sure to sleep on a comfortably firm mattress.

Good Posture

Grandma was right! Slouching is bad for you. And poor posture can make back pain worse, especially if you sit for long periods. Don't slump over your keyboard. Sit upright, with your shoulders relaxed and your body supported against the back of your chair. Try putting a pillow or a rolled towel between your lower back and your seat. Keep your feet flat on the floor.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapists can teach you how to sit, stand, and move in a way that keeps your spine in proper alignment and alleviates strain on your back. They also can teach you specialized exercises that strengthen the core muscles that support your back. A strong core is one of the best ways to prevent more back pain in the future. Studies show that when you increase your strength, flexibility, and endurance, back pain decreases -- but it takes time.

Ice and Heat

Regular applications of ice to the painful areas on your back may help reduce pain and inflammation from an injury. Try this several times a day for up to 20 minutes each time. Wrap the ice pack in a thin towel to protect your skin. After a few days, switch to heat. Apply a heating pad or warm pack to help relax your muscles and increase blood flowing to the affected area. You also can try warm baths to help with relaxation. To avoid burns and tissue damage, never sleep on a heating pad.

Prescription Pain Relievers

Some people may need prescription-strength NSAIDs or opioid medications to help with pain. It is important to talk to your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking any other medications -- including over-the-counter medicines -- to avoid overdosing on certain active ingredients. Your doctor may also prescribe muscle relaxants to help ease painful muscle spasms.

Back Braces

Braces don’t help every type of back pain, but some people feel more comfortable while wearing them. You may find back braces especially helpful if you have weak abdominal muscles or if spinal stenosis has degenerated your spine in several areas. The most popular design is a corset-type brace that wraps around your back and stomach. Some teens with scoliosis benefit from wearing a special spine-straightening underarm brace during growth spurts.

Pillows and Mattresses

Having the right pillow under your head at night can help you sleep and wake up pain-free. You may also find putting a pillow between your knees—especially if you sleep on your side or your back—brings relief.

Only use as recommended. If your symptoms don't go away, go to your doctor. Always with your doctor before attempting a new pain-relieving approach, especially if you have sustained a major injury.

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Thanks and Regards,


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